The HPE Developer team is happy to announce another opportunity to come and learn with us in 2022 called Meetups. These sessions will complement the continuing HPE DEV Munch & Learn Technology Talks that started in 2021.
The Munch & Learn Technology Talks were designed to provide industry thought-leadership insights on today's newest technologies. They proved quite successful with a grand total of 1,415 participants attending the 11 sessions that were held this past year. Participants of these sessions indicated that, while they enjoyed and wished to continue attending Munch & Learn sessions, they also needed an opportunity to dive in deep and more fully explore specific projects or products. The new Meetups are designed to fill that gap, covering topics that sit at the intersection of development and open source. The cadence for these meetups will be monthly, occurring the last week of every month.
The first meetup was held on January 26th, 5PM CET (8AM PST). Entitled Quarkus - Supersonic Subatomic Java, it was delivered by Dimitris Andreadis, Engineering Director at Red Hat. The next session was held on February 23rd and covered Streamlit - the fastest way to build and share data science apps. The session was delivered by Arnaud Miribel, a machine learning engineer at Streamlit.io. You can catch replays of these sessions and see what's coming next in our Meetups calendar. As you can see, we are already off to a good start and will continue to look for the best possible speakers inside and outside of HPE to cover the most relevant topics for developers and open source enthusiasts.
Please check our Meetup calendar page for the complete list of registration links. We will continue to post links to replays once they are available. We hope you will join us and continue to expand your skills and expertise.