

One Interface for Server Management Automation

HPE Server management provides intelligent remote control automation through HPE iLO and the Redfish® iLO RESTful API. Gain even more capabilities that go beyond scripting by leveraging one API to manage your complete lifecycle of HPE Gen10, Gen10 Plus and Gen11 servers.

A single API interface integrates server management components and full compute power. Use it with HPE iLO 5 and iLO 6 to perform remote server provisioning, configuration, inventory and monitoring industry standards through Redfish API conformance.

HPE Redfish API Implementation

Obtain simple, secure management of today’s scalable data center hardware with the Redfish® API ecosystem. It’s an open industry-standard specification and schema that helps you integrate solutions within your existing tools. Published by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF), it's ideal for cloud and web-based infrastructures, which typically have large quantities of servers in heterogeneous environments.

GitHub and PowerShell Repositories

Find tools you need to help you leverage the iLO RESTful API SDKs.

SDKs and Language Bindings

iLO RESTful API Documentation

HPE Reference documentation with examples to help you write Redfish client programs and scripts.

The Python library

The Python library provides a rich Redfish library and examples for developers to easy interact with the iLO RESTful API.

The PowerShell Gallery and library

The PowerShell Gallery and library provide Cmdlets and scripts to interact with the Windows PowerShell Interface to the iLO RESTful API.

The Ruby library

The Ruby library enables to interact the iLO RESTful API.

The JavaScript library

The JavaScript library enables Java developers to easily integrate with the iLO RESTful API.



Ansible playbooks and roles for HPE iLO using the Redfish® API.

Chef Cookbook

Chef Cookbook for installing the Python iLOrest library and examples.

Puppet module

Puppet module for installing the Python iLOrest library and examples.

IT Operations

RESTful Interface Tool

HPE iLOrest, the HPE RESTful Interface Tool is an open source Redfish client scripting tool also featuring interactive and debug modes. Packaging includes Windows, many Linux flavors as well as a PyPI project.

Nagios- Plug-in

Nagios- Plug-in for Industry Standard in IT infrastructure monitoring.


Take advantage of our free, Jupyter-Notebook based Workshops-on-Demand available in the Hack Shack. These technical workshops provide you with an in-depth, hands-on learning experience where you can interact with and learn from the experts. Designed to fit your schedule, these workshops are available 24/7 – any time, from anywhere. iLO/Redfish workshops are available today.

Any questions on iLO or Redfish?

Join the HPEDEV Slack Workspace and start a discussion in our #redfish channel.

Related Blogs

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HPE iLOrest as a PyPI package

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Why is Redfish different from other REST APIs - Part 2

Feb 22, 2024
François Donzé

Why is Redfish different from other REST APIs - Part 1

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Dr. Thomas Beha

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Naveen Gupta

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Overview of the Platform Level Data Model for Redfish® Device Enablement Standard

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François Donzé - Technical consultant

Massive parallel management with iLOrest on Linux

Jan 3, 2022
Mike Garrett – Architect iLO RESTful API

Getting started with iLO RESTful API- Redfish® API Conformance

Jul 20, 2021
Mike Garrett- Architect iLO RESTful API

Getting started with the Redfish® API - Part 2

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Accessing iLO Redfish APIs and HPE OneView APIs on Ansible AWX

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HPE firmware updates: Part 3 - The Redfish update service

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HPE firmware updates: Part 1 – File types and Smart Components

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HPE DEV staff

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Gokul Sreeramaiah

Configuring threads for Optimal performance in HPE PowerShell Cmdlets

Dec 3, 2018
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Storage management with Redfish

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Managing iLO sessions with Redfish®

Aug 27, 2018
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Master the Redfish Server States to improve your monitoring and management applications

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Setting Bios and Storage Controller Properties with Redfish®

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How to change the factory generated iLO Administrator password

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The Redfish Event Service

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Matthew Kocurek - iLOREST Developer

Creating a Python version that enforces FIPS

Feb 15, 2018
Matthew Kocurek- iLOREST Developer

Updating Python and Openssl on OS X

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