

What's new in each version

The following sections list the features added in each version of the HPE OmniStack REST API.

Version 1.16 (released with HPE OmniStack 4.1.0)

Version 1.16 of the REST API added the following new features:

  • The connected_clusters field for GET omnistack_clusters has been deprecated. Use the REST call GET /api/omnistack_clusters/{clusterid}/connected_clusters instead.
  • You can now set the IWO status for an HPE OmniStack cluster.
  • You can now create and identify single_replica datastores.

Version 1.15 (released with HPE OmniStack 4.0.1)

Version 1.15 of the REST API added the following new features:

  • You can now update credentials for external stores and unregister external stores from a cluster.
  • The availability_zone_effective and availability_zone_planned properties were added to the omnistack_hosts object.
  • The REST call GET /api/omnistack_clusters/throughput has been deprecated. Use the replacement REST call GET /api/omnistack_clusters/{clusterId}/throughput instead.

Version 1.14 (released with HPE OmniStack 4.0.0) ------------------------------------------------ Version 1.14 of the REST API added the following new features:

  • You can now backup to an external store and restore a backup from an external store by creating a new virtual machine.
  • The arbiter_required and arbiter_configured properties were added to the omnistack_clusters object.

Version 1.13 (released with HPE OmniStack 3.7.10)

Version 1.13 of the REST API added no new features.

Version 1.12 (released with HPE OmniStack 3.7.9)

Version 1.12 of the REST API added the following features:

  • The certificates URI was renamed to security/certificates
  • cluster_feature_level was added to omnistack_clusters

Version 1.11 (released with HPE OmniStack 3.7.8)

Version 1.11 of the REST API added the following features:

  • Added infosight_configuration properties to the hosts and omnistack_clusters objects

Version 1.10 (released with HPE OmniStack 3.7.7)

Version 1.10 of the REST API added the following features:

  • Certificate management
  • Improved performance for GET backups

Version 1.9 (released with HPE OmniStack 3.7.6)

Version 1.9 of the REST API added the following features:

  • Perform file level restore from backups
  • Shutdown a Virtual Controller, cancel the shutdown, and check the status of the shutdown operation
  • Remove an HPE OmniStack host from a federation
  • Backup rule impact reporting

Version 1.8 (released with HPE OmniStack 3.7.5)

Version 1.8 of the REST API added the following features:

  • Share a datastore with a standard host (host without HPE OmniStack software)

  • Stop sharing a datastore with a standard host

  • Provide details on standard hosts that can share a datastore (unique ID, IP address, host name, sharing status, virtual machine count)

  • Save virtual machine backup parameters (includes backup type application consistent or crash consistent and virtual machine credentials to access VSS if necessary to create an application-consistent backup with VSS instead of a VMware snapshot)

  • Show the name of the hypervisor management system for clusters, hosts, datastores, and virtual machines

Version 1.7 (released with HPE OmniStack 3.7.3)

Version 1.7 of the REST API added the following new operations for backups objects:

  • Calculates the unique size of a specified backup
  • Cancels a specific running backup

Version 1.6 (released with HPE OmniStack 3.7.2)

Version 1.6 of the REST API added the following features:

  • Added the following fields for host objects:
    • federation_mask
    • federation_mtu
    • management_mask
    • management_mtu
    • storage_mask
    • storage_mtu
  • Added the following field for datastore and omnistack_clusters objects:

    • hypervisor_management_system

Version 1.5 (released with HPE OmniStack 3.7.0)

Version 1.5 of the REST API added the following features:

  • Set backup policy for multiple virtual_machines with one operation
  • Renamed hypervisor_management_system to hypervisor_type
  • Added support for an emergency grant_type to enable you to restore virtual machines in situations in which the Hypervisor Management System has become unavailable
  • Added support for revoking OAuth tokens
  • Added support for searching for objects by one or more IDs

Version 1.4 (released with HPE OmniStack 3.6.2)

Version 1.4 of the REST API added the following features:

  • Suspend or resume policy-based backups for a hostomnistack_cluster, or entire federation
  • Delete multiple backups with one POST request
  • Added hypervisor_management_system for backupdatastoreomnistack_cluster, and virtual_machine objects
  • Added the following fields for backupdatastore, and virtual_machine objects:

    • compute_cluster_parent_hypervisor_object_id
    • compute_cluster_parent_name +Added the following fields for backup objects:
    • unique_size_bytes
    • unique_size_timestamp +virtual_machine_type +Added the following optional fields for virtual_machine objects:
    • hypervisor_allocated_capacity
    • hypervisor_cpu_count
    • hypervisor_free_space
    • hypervisor_is_template
    • hypervisor_total_memory
    • hypervisor_virtual_disk_count
  • Added the following fields for host objects:

    • can_rollback
    • compute_cluster_parent_hypervisor_object_id
    • compute_cluster_parent_name
    • current_feature_level
    • policy_enabled
    • potential_feature_level
    • upgrade_state
  • Added version for omnistack_cluster objects
  • Faster performance and additional query options for omnistack_cluster objects
  • Filter backupdatastore, and omnistack_cluster objects using multiple values in a comma-separated (OR) list

Version 1.3 (released with HPE OmniStack 3.6.1)

Version 1.3 of the added the following features:

  • Association of omnistack_cluster objects with Hypervisor Management System (HMS) clusters
  • The new hypervisor_object_parent_name and hypervisor_object_parent_id properties identify the parent of an omnistack_cluster
  • Set the retention time for one or more backups
  • Cluster throughput
  • Cluster connectivity
  • Set the time zone for a cluster
  • Request a list of valid time zones for use when setting the time zone for a cluster
  • Request the amount of life remaining for solid state drives (SSDs)
  • Get the upgrade status for clusters
  • Increased security resulting from removing the ability to refresh OAuth 2 tokens
  • Filter virtual_machine objects using multiple values in a comma-separated (OR) list

Version 1.2 (released with HPE OmniStack 3.5.3)

Version 1.2 of the added the following features:

  • Ability to set a backup policy for a datastore
  • Host capacity metrics
  • virtual_machine hypervisor power state
  • omnistack_cluster associated hypervisor object ID and time zone
  • Host associated compute cluster information

Version 1.1 (released with HPE OmniStack 3.5.2)

Version 1.1 of the added the following features:

  • Ability to query the REST version
  • vCenter Server linked mode support
  • Rename, copy, and lock backups
  • Performance metrics
  • Host hardware reporting

Version 1 (released with HPE OmniStack 3.5.1)

The initial version of the REST API focused on orchestration tools and included the following features:

  • Management: Perform common operations, such as clone, back up, restore, move, and set policy
  • Reporting: Retrieve storage utilization per node and datacenter efficiency data
  • Simple query support: Retrieve and information using straight-forward, intuitive queries, and perform sorting, filtering, and paging for all object types
  • Interactive documentation: Access an intuitive, comprehensive, real-time HTML5 reference

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