

Restoring virtual machines

This example uses curl to issue a POST request to restore a specific virtual machine from a backup. The example assumes that you have obtained an OAuth 2 token and that you have retrieved the identifier of the object that you want to perform the operation on.

curl -X POST --H "Content-Type: application/vnd.simplivity.v1+json" --header
"Authorization: Bearer [access_token]" -d "{
\"virtual_machine_name\": \"new_vm_name\"
}" "https://[host]/api/backups/[id]/restore?restore_original=false"


  • -H (or --header) enables curl to add request headers.
  • "Content-Type: application/vnd.simplivity.v1+json" indicates that the data in the body of the request uses version 1 of the HPE OmniStack JSON extension.
  • access_token is the complete access token. For example: f93f2059-afef-4310-9147-447645992a5d.
  • The body of the POST request is a JSON object that includes the required virtual_machine_name field that specifies the desired name for the new virtual machine that you want to create from the backup.
  • /api/backups/[id]/restore is the base URI for the POST restore operation: For example: /api/backups/0f123f92-2d75-4640-aab1-fa22b0a037cd/restore.
  • host is the IP address of the Virtual Controller to authenticate.
  • The query parameter restore_original indicates whether to restore the original virtual machine. Setting this parameter to false specifies that you want to create a new virtual machine from the backup, rather than restoring the backup to an existing virtual machine.

The REST API service returns a task instance as the response to this POST request. For example:

"task": {
"id": "422a3b5d-9125-467b-1909-9fb5f5c9c65e:422a3b5d-9125-467b-1909-
"state": "IN_PROGRESS",
"affected_objects": [],
"error_code": 0,
"start_time": "2016-03-15T15:43:24Z",
"end_time": "1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"

The following curl command monitors the status of this operation by retrieving the task instance:

curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.simplivity.v1+json" -H "Authorization:
Bearer [*access_token*]" -X GET -k -i https://[host]/api/tasks/[*task_id*]


  • -H (or --header) enables curl to add request headers.

  • The "Accept: application/vnd.simplivity.v1+json" header indicates that you want the response to use version 1 of the HPE OmniStack JSON extension.

  • access_token is the complete access token.

  • -X GET indicates an HTTP GET operation.

  • -k allows the use of self-signed SSL/TLS certificates.

  • host is the IP address of the Virtual Controller to authenticate against.

  • task_id is the complete ID of the task to monitor. For example: 422a3b5d-9125-467b-1909-9fb5f5c9c65e:422a3b5d-9125-467b-1909- 9fb5f5c9c65e:841eb5cf-19d2-4fbb-a7ec-20638373ccfc.

You can issue this command multiple times, as necessary, to monitor the state of the operation. Possible states include:


Once the operation completes, the response to this GET request includes any affected objects. In this example, the affected_objects body includes the object type and ID of the new virtual machine that operation created.

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