


Use this section as a reference for the REST API enumerations (enums).\ The REST API always performs sorting and filtering on enumerated values using the full uppercase enumerations. The REST API ignores the value of the case parameter when you sort or filter by fields with enumerated values.


Used by: NetworkInterface object

E1000E1000EPCNET32VMXNETVNXNET2, and VMXNET3The adapter_type assigned to the virtual machine. For more information about these values, see the VMware vSphere documentation.
UNKNOWNThe adapter_type cannot be determined.


Used by: backup_parameters object

NONEApplication-consistent backup using a VMware snapshot.
VSSThis backup is an application aware backup with Microsoft VSS.


Used by: virtual_machines object

CAPABLEThe virtual machine is ready and can take application aware snapshots.
INVALID_CREDSA valid set of credentials for the virtual machine is not available, which prevents application aware snapshots of this virtual machine.
INVALID_OSThe virtual machine is not running an appropriate operating system (OS) which prevents application aware snapshots of this virtual machine.
UNKNOWNThe state of the virtual machine with respect to readiness for an application aware snapshot is not known.
UNKNOWN_FAULTA general failure has occurred that prevents application aware snapshots of the virtual machine.
VALID_CREDSA valid set of credentials for the virtual machine is available which enables application aware snapshots of this virtual machine.
VMWARE_TOOLS_UNAVAILABLEVMware Tools are not installed or not running on the virtual machine which prevents application aware snapshots of this virtual machine.


Used by: backup object, BackupVMMO object, Policy rule, Policy rule POST body, create_or_edit_rule, rule

DEFAULTAn application consistent backup with VMware Snapshots.
NONEA crash consistent backup or a backup that is not application consistent.
VSSAn application aware backup with Microsoft VSS.


Used by: virtual_machine object

DEFUNCTObject no longer exists but is still being referenced.
DEGRADEDObject is not fully replicated.
NOT_APPLICABLEObject is intentionally not replicated.
OUT_OF_SCOPEStatus not available from this location.
SAFEObject is replicated.
SYNCINGObject is becoming replicated.
UNKNOWNStatus could not be determined.


Used by: backup object, datastore object, omnistack_clustervirtual_machine object, BackupMO

VSPHEREThe Hypervisor Management System (HMS) associated with this backup is vSphere.
HYPERVThe HMS associated with this backup is Hyper-V.


Used by: virtual_machine object

OFFThe Hypervisor Management System (HMS) considers the virtual machine to be powered off.
ONThe HMS considers the virtual machine to be powered on.
SUSPENDEDThe HMS considers the virtual machine to be suspended.
UNKNOWNThe hypervisor-based power state of the virtual machine cannot be determined.


Used by: NetworkInterface

ASSIGNEDThe MAC address is automatically assigned when you power on the virtual machine.
GENERATEDThe MAC address was automatically generated.
MANUALThe MAC address was statically assigned.
UNKNOWNThe mac_generation type could not be determined.


Used by: physical_drive

HDDHard disk drive.
SSDSolid-state drive.
UNKNOWNThe media_type could not be determined.


Used by: ReplicaInfo

PRIMARYThe ReplicaInfo id represents the ID of the host that contains the primary data replica of the virtual machine.
SECONDARYThe ReplicaInfo id represents the ID of the host that contains the secondary data replica of the virtual machine.


Used by:backup object

CANCELEDThe backup operation was canceled successfully.
CANCELINGThe backup operation is responding to a manual cancellation of a backup in progress.
DEGRADEDThe backup is in an unprotected high availability state. This situation can occur when an HPE OmniStack host in the backup replica set is replaced by another HPE OmniStack host, and the backup has been saved to one HPE OmniStack host in a datacenter with multiple HPE OmniStack hosts.
DELETEDThe backup data was deleted before the expiration of the backup. This situation can occur when removing an HPE OmniStack host may remove the last copy of a backup in a datacenter.
FAILEDThe backup was unsuccessful.
NEWThe backup operation started, but the initial backup of the virtual machine and processing of the backup on the source datacenter is not complete.
PROTECTEDThe backup is successful and is in a protected high availability (HA) state. If the backup was a remote backup, successful replication to the remote site has also completed.
QUEUEDThe backup is waiting to be replicated to a remote datacenter.
REBUILDINGThe backup data is rebuilding onto a second HPE OmniStack host to ensure high availability for the backup in a multi-node datacenter.
SAVINGThe backup replication is in progress. The state changes to ProtectedQueuedFailed, or Degraded.
UNKNOWNThe backup state cannot be determined.


Used by: host object

ALIVEThe HPE OmniStack host is healthy.
FAULTYThe HPE OmniStack host is in a critical error state, and operations have failed over to an alternate HPE OmniStack host in the federation. It is likely that one or more error or event messages were logged.
MANAGEDThe Virtual Controller for this host is offline but can still be managed.
REMOVEDThe HPE OmniStack host has been removed from the federation but is still being recognized.
SUSPECTEDThe HPE OmniStack host has one or more components that show degraded performance.
UNKNOWNThe HPE OmniStack host status is indeterminate, perhaps because it is unable to communicate with other federation HPE OmniStack hosts. It is possible that one or more error or event messages were logged.


Used by: task object

COMPLETEDThe task has completed successfully.
FAILEDThe task has failed.
IN_PROGRESSThe task is currently being processed.


Used by: virtual_machine object

ALIVEAn active hypervisor-based virtual machine is associated with the virtual_machine object.
DELETEDThe hypervisor-based virtual machine that is associated with the virtual_machine object has been deleted with at least one backup of that virtual machine still existing.
REMOVEDThe hypervisor-based virtual machine that is associated with the virtual_machine object has been removed from the virtual machine inventory of the hypervisor.


Used by: credential_validation object

VM_POWERED_OFFThe virtual machine is powered off, so it is not possible to determine if the credentials are valid.
INVALIDCredentials are invalid.
VALIDCredentials are valid.


Used by:backup

MANUALA user created this backup manually. Manual backups are not deleted automatically.
POLICYAn automatic policy created this backup. The backup is subject to automatic deletion when the retention time for the backup expires or the maximum number of backups is exceeded. The oldest backups are deleted first.
UNSPECIFIEDThe backup type cannot be determined.


Used by: omnistack_cluster object

CLOUDThe omnistack_cluster is comprised of HPE OmniStack Cloud hosts.
OMNISTACKThe omnistack_cluster is comprised of HPE OmniStack hosts that share resources and provide high availability and load-balancing services.
UNKNOWNThe type could not be determined.


Used by: host object

FAILThe HPE OmniStack host upgrade task failed, and an error code and message indicate the reason for the failure.
IN_PROGRESSThe HPE OmniStack upgrade task is proceeding.
NOOPThe HPE OmniStack host upgrade is incomplete. For example, a host may have failed to upgrade successfully, and the upgrade needs to be repeated, but this host is already at the correct version and does not need to be upgraded again.
SUCCESSThe HPE OmniStack host upgrade task completed successfully.
UNKNOWNIt is not possible to determine the status of the HPE OmniStack host upgrade task.


Used by: omnistack_cluster

FAIL_CAN_ROLLBACKAt least one software upgrade for this omnistack_cluster is in a state that cannot be upgraded, committed, or rolled back. This state should rarely occur. Contact Customer Support (
FAIL_CANNOT_ROLLBACKOne or more HPE OmniStack hosts failed the upgrade. The upgrade either rolled back automatically or failed before a rollback was required. Attempt the upgrade and, if it fails again, contact Customer Support (
IN_PROGRESSThe upgrade task is proceeding.
SUCCESS_COMMIT_NEEDEDThe upgrade is ready to commit (or roll back).
SUCCESS_COMMITTEDThe omnistack_cluster is committed to the current software version. Commits occur at the federation level, so all omnistack_cluster instances in the federation should be in this state.
SUCCESS_MIXED_VERSIONNone of the HPE OmniStack hosts in the have an upgrade in progress, but the omnistack_cluster has mixed versions of software on different HPE OmniStack hosts. An upgrade is needed to make the omnistack_cluster consistent. This state can occur when a node with a different software version is added to the omnistack_cluster. An upgrade is required to ensure that all HPE OmniStack hosts are running the same version.
UNKNOWNIt is not possible to determine the status of the previous upgrade task.


Used by: backup object, BackupMO object

ALIVEAn active hypervisor-based virtual machine is associated with the virtual_machine object.
DELETEDThe hypervisor-based virtual machine that is associated with the virtual_machine object has been deleted with at least one backup of that virtual machine still existing.
REMOVEDThe hypervisor-based virtual machine that is associated with the virtual_machine object has been removed from the virtual machine inventory of the hypervisor.


Used by: BackupMO

TEMPLATEThe virtual machine instance associated with the backup is a virtual machine template.
UNKNOWNThe type of the virtual machine instance associated with the backup is unknown.
VMThe virtual machine instance associated with the backup is a virtual machine.

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