New Year's Resolutions
Being part of the HPE Developer Community allows you to connect with knowledgeable resources who can save you time and effort in the development, design, and deployment of your software solutions. In this newsletter, we focus on recent changes that impact the HPE Developer Community Program (HPE DEV). These include new platforms, like the HPE Container Platform, that assist you in modernizing your infrastructure and new channels that expand the program’s reach.
Follow our progress and stay up-to-date by visiting the
HPE DEV community portal, connecting with us on our
Grommet Slack channels and reading interesting technology blogs found in these monthly newsletters.
New HPE DEV leadership team discusses program focus and expansion
As Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) pivots to an as-a-Service and software-defined infrastructure company, HPE DEV takes on an even more important role. Recent changes enable HPE DEV to offer broader assistance to software developers and designers. Program leads, Didier Lalli and Denis Choukroun, talk about where we’re heading and how you can participate in this blog post.
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News from the Community
You can view the latest news and updates from our community on the
HPE DEV blog. Click on the links below to read our most recent posts.
Think container first
Developers, designers, and ITOps teams have a growing appreciation of how the use of containers, for both new and existing apps, can help organizations move forward. Still, other decision makers may not yet understand how using containers benefits the overall business. View this blog and short video to help everyone get on the same page.
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Understanding API basics and the value they provide
In order to discuss the integration of products with third-party software or work on scripts to automate processes, it’s important to understand a product’s application programming interface (API). Distinguished Technologist, Didier Lalli, offers a quick tutorial to help get you started in this post.
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Using HPE Cloud Volumes with Amazon EKS
This technical tutorial explores the paradigm of managed Kubernetes and how HPE brings value to the public cloud by providing advanced data services to Kubernetes on Amazon Web Services (AWS). It shows you how to get started with Amazon EKS using HPE Cloud Volumes for persistent storage.
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Don’t be left behind. Dramatic change is impacting datacenters and people.
Today’s data center is no longer confined to four walls and a ceiling. It now extends to cloud providers, colocation facilities, edge devices, and edge computing, which radically increases management complexity. Read how ITaaS simplifies hybrid IT environments and enables a business’ IT department to focus more on becoming a strategic source of services in this post.
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Sir Hackington’s Corner
(HPE DEV Events)
Looking to catch up with HPE DEV community members? Look for HPE DEV at any of these events.
Technology and Solutions Summit 2020, Paris
– March 9-13, 2020
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon, Amsterdam
– March 30-April 2, 2020
Google Cloud Next, San Francisco, CA
– April 6-8, 2020
HPE Discover, Las Vegas, NV
– June 23-25, 2020
OSCON, Portland, OR
– July 13-16, 2020
KubeCon + CloudNativeCon, Boston, MA
– November 17-20, 2020
HPE DEV and the new HPE Container Platform at KubeCon 2019
Event attendees crowded into the HPE booth at KubeCon+CloudNativeCon to hear more about the newly announced HPE Container Platform, view a true hybrid-cloud CI/CD pipeline integrated with Nimble Storage and HPE Cloud Volumes, and learn more about the benefits of the HPE DEV Community Program. Get the inside scoop in this post.
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Get Engaged
Input from our community determines our focus, so keep sending us your feedback. Got an idea on how to make our portal more useable? Drop us a line, and we’ll see about getting it added. Have some code or a technical blog you want to share? Chances are good someone else in our community is eager to see it as well. And chances are equally good, there’s some knowledge on our site from one of your peers that’s just right for your latest project.
Come join our growing ranks and see for yourself. The strength of our developer community is driven by you.
Sign up to contribute!
You can also join the conversation on our Slack Channel and learn from your peers and contribute your insights right away.
Join the Slack channel
Connect with us on social media to stay informed about our newest blog posts.
Follow us on Twitter @hpe_DevCom
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Hewlett Packard Enterprise is the only company with the innovation and leadership in the enterprise and open source communities to help developers and customers exceed. Help us build, communicate and collaborate together