Didier Lalli

Leveraging HPE OneView Single Sign On to iLO Management Processors

September 11, 2017

In this previous article, Surviving in the Schema… while running our first inventory, we discussed how to run a discovery of the environment managed by HPE OneView. We derived a tree structure of the following format:

Datacenter tree structure

We can check the schema for a server-hardware using our favorite REST client tool (Postman extension for Chrome in our case) with the following command: GET /rest/server-hardware/schema against the HPE OneView API.

check the schema for a server-hardware using our favorite REST client tool

We notice that a management processor (mp) is also available in a server-hardware and that some details about the management processor are provided (mpFirmwareVersion, mpHostInfo, mpModel, mpState).

Don't you like my iLO?

I am sure most of you are familiar with the concept of management processor in servers, but in the ProLiant family of servers, these are best known as iLO (integrated Lights-Out). iLO management cards have been provided in ProLiant servers since 2001. They have since then been replaced by a custom chip on server motherboard and are extremely popular in datacenter management. Today iLO 4 is the current generation of iLO processors present on Gen8 and Gen9 of ProLiant servers. iLO management processors provide a wide variety of great options when it comes to management of servers in an out-of-band manner. To start with, the management IP address of the iLO offers a web console to manage the server-hardware.

ILO remote console to the system

But probably the most used feature of the iLO processor, is the capability to open a remote console to the system, which really allows to be "on" the system without ever having to enter a computer room, and whether or not the server is powered on, or installed with an operating system or not.

ILO remote console to the system

The HPE OneView web console provides a direct link the web interface of the iLO of any given server-hardware, as well as a direct link to the iLO Remote Console of the server. This is great but what would also be nice, is if third party applications integrating with HPE OneView using the Composable API, could leverage this feature and embed those links in their application context allowing users to reach, in one single click, the iLO Web Console or Remote Console of any discovered server-hardware. This article describes how to do this.

So how do we SSO?

iLO Management Processors are protected by credentials. Users can be added to the authorized users list, or you can even leverage an existing LDAP infrastructure, but to get started you have to access the iLO using a factory generated administrator password provided with every server that HPE ships with an iLO. However, because the server was discovered and placed under the management of HPE OneView, there is a special "agreement" between HPE OneView and each iLO to allow for a Single Sign On (SSO) from HPE OneView to login to iLOs. This means that valid credentials in HPE OneView allow for a pass-through authentication to all managed iLOs. This is an extremely powerful feature, which allows configuration of large groups of server iLOs, with simply an HPE OneView account.

We query for the list of server-hardware available to us using a GET /rest/server-hardware, and from there pick a given one of them using its URI (for example /rest/server-hardware/37333036-3831-4753-4831-30325838524E)

query for the list of server-hardware available to us

We can see all the details about this particular server-hardware iLO instance. All? Well, not quite, because if we check the HP OneView API Reference we can find the two following commands:

  • GET /rest/server-hardware/{id}/iloSsoUrl

  • GET /rest/server-hardware/{id}/remoteConsoleUrl

HPE Oneview API reference to retrieve server hardware

Note: As you can see, the HPE OneView API Reference describes it but it does not appear in the server-hardware description nor in the schema description

If we try to use the first one: /rest/server-hardware/37333036-3831-4753-4831-30325838524E/iloSsoUrl

We obtain the following result:

Retrieve server hardware ILO SSO Url

While if we try to query HPE OneView with the following additional URI: /rest/server-hardware/37333036-3831-4753-4831-30325838524E/remoteConsoleUrl

We get the following response:

Oneview API reference to get server hardware

Using these two calls, we can offer three types of interesting integrations:

  1. Open the Web interface of the iLO of that given server

  2. Open the iLO Remote Console of that given server

  3. Use the iLO REST API to set/get particular attributes of a given server

Direct link to iLO Web Console

An application might decide to provide a link to the iLO Web Interface as part of its own representation of a server-hardware object. In this case, it will need to run a GET /rest/server-hardware/{id}/iloSsoUrl, to retrieve the URL to use when the user click to obtain the iLO Web Interface.

Direct link to iLO Remote Console

In addition to providing a link to the iLO Web Console, an application might decide to provide a direct link to the iLO Remote Console of a server. In order to do this, a call to GET /rest/server-hardware/{id}/remoteConsoleUrl would have to be initiated, and the retrieved link should be opened.

Note: This link requires the HP iLO Remote Console application installed on the client machine on which the link is clicked. This application can be downloaded from the Overview page of the iLO Web Interface of any iLO management processor

Use the iLO REST API

Finally, since iLO 4 management processor offers a powerful REST API, it is also possible to use SSO to manipulate configuration of the iLO using its REST API. More details about the iLO REST API can be found in the following web page:

Note: the iLO REST API is available since firmware version 2.0, and is Redfish compliant starting at version 2.3

For example, you could decide that the application wants to change the server power capping value based on some internal rules. For this, you would have to use a PATCH method to and pass an HTTP Header X-Auth-Token with the value of the SSO session token retrieved from a GET /rest/server-hardware/{id}/iloSsoUrl.

Let's review an example and imagine you retrieved from GET /rest/server-hardware/{Server id}/remoteConsoleUrl, the following:


You would have to assemble the following PATCH command:

PATCH https://****

With HTTP Header: X-Auth-Token = 823b6814fd3aa2d9f82ec9f34504b6d9

And a body of: {"PowerLimit": {"LimitInWatts": 250}}

In order to cap the given server-hardware to a maximum power utilization of 250 Watts.

Note: Priority should be to change settings of server-hardware via the HPE OneView API, and keep the iLO REST API for things not available in the HPE OneView API

Tighter partner integration = best user experience

As we discovered there are different levels of integrations that can be built into an HPE OneView partner application. Of course, the tighter the integration is, the richer is the user experience for our joint customers.


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