Rajeev Kallur

Enabling Python 3 with OpenSSL/FIPS on Microsoft Windows

December 21, 2020


Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) are a set of encryption algorithms and is mandatory in all computer systems and software used by non-military American government agencies, government contractors and vendors who work with the agencies. When new software is developed, it needs to be FIPS-compliant. Thus, there is a need to enable Python with FIPS, but the default Python package comes without FIPS as shown in screenshot below.

This blog will explain, step-by-step, how to enable Python 3 with the OpenSSL/FIPS standard on a Microsoft Windows platform so that any new software compiled out of it, is FIPS-compliant.


  • Cygwin environment
  • Python 3
  • Visual Studio 2017


Step 1 Download the OpenSSL and FIPS source from and the Python 3 source from

Step 2 Convert all symlinks in the archive to regular files. This is done in Linux, Cygwin environment.


   $ tar -zxvf openssl-fips-2.0.16.tar.gz
   $ tar -zxvf openssl-1.0.2u.tar.gz
   $ tar -zxvf Python-3.8.6.tgz
Zip -9
   $ zip -9 -r openssl-fips-2.0.16
   $ zip -9 -r openssl-1.0.2u
   $ zip -9 -r Python-3.8.6
Finally, unzip in Windows to the c:\work\ folder.

Step 3 Install NASM for x64 and copy the contents of C:\Program Files\NASM to the C:\work\openssl-1.0.2u\ folder.

Note: NASM is a netwide assembler program and can be downloaded from []

Step 4 Build the FIPS module using the VS 2015 Native Tools Command prompt.

   > cd openssl-fips-2.0.16
   > ms\do_fips
Rename the folder “out32dll” to “lib”.

Rename the folder “util” to “bin”.

Move “fips_standalone_sha1.exe” from “lib” to “bin”.

This is done so that OpenSSL can compile in the next steps.

Step 5 Build OpenSSL module using the VS 2015 Native Tools Command prompt.

   cd openssl-1.0.2u
   perl Configure VC-WIN64A no-zlib no-idea no-mdc2 no-rc5 no-ssl2 no-ssl3 fips --with-fipslibdir=C:\usr\local\ssl\fips-2.0
   nmake -f ms\nt.mak all
   nmake -f ms\nt.mak install

The openssl.exe and libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll files are generated be in the C:\usr\local\ssl\bin\ folder.

Step 6 Unzip Python in Windows and create an 'externals' directory at the root (c:\work\Python-3.8.6) folder.

Under 'externals', create a directory for openssl-1.0.2u and copy all the contents of c:\usr\local\ssl\ to this directory.

Step 7 Under 'externals', create a directory for openssl-bin-1.0.2u/amd64 and copy all the files from c:\work\openssl-1.2.u\out32dll to this directory.

Also, copy all the files from c:\work\openssl-1.2.u\inc32 to the openssl-bin-1.0.2u/amd64/include directory.

Step 8 Patch/Add/Modify these codes to files as shown below under Python-3.8.6 source (c:\work\Python-3.8.6).


       from _ssl import FIPS_mode, FIPS_mode_set
       print('successful import')
   except ImportError as e:
       print('error in importing')
   static PyObject *
   _ssl_FIPS_mode_impl(PyObject *module) {
       return PyLong_FromLong(FIPS_mode());
   static PyObject *
   _ssl_FIPS_mode_set_impl(PyObject *module, int n) {
       if (FIPS_mode_set(n) == 0) {
           _setSSLError(ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), NULL) , 0, __FILE__, __LINE__);
           return NULL;
   static PyMethodDef PySSL_methods[] = {
       {NULL,                  NULL}            /* Sentinel */
   "FIPS Mode");
   #define _SSL_FIPS_MODE_METHODDEF    \
       {"FIPS_mode", (PyCFunction)_ssl_FIPS_mode, METH_NOARGS, _ssl_FIPS_mode__doc__},    
   static PyObject *
   _ssl_FIPS_mode_impl(PyObject *module);
   static PyObject *
   _ssl_FIPS_mode(PyObject *module, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
       return _ssl_FIPS_mode_impl(module);
   "FIPS Mode Set");
       {"FIPS_mode_set", (PyCFunction)_ssl_FIPS_mode_set, METH_O, _ssl_FIPS_mode_set_doc__},   
   static PyObject *
   _ssl_FIPS_mode_set_impl(PyObject *module, int n);
   static PyObject *
   _ssl_FIPS_mode_set(PyObject *module, PyObject *arg)
       PyObject *return_value = NULL;
       int n;
       if (!PyArg_Parse(arg, "i:FIPS_mode_set", &n)) {
           goto exit;
       return_value = _ssl_FIPS_mode_set_impl(module, n);
       return return_value;

The above code is used to enable functions ssl.FIPS_mode() and ssl.FIPS_mode_set().


Step 9 Modify PCbuild/openssl.props as shown below:

Step 10 Open PCbuild/python.props and change entries as shown below:

Step 11 Open Python Solution under PCbuild/pcbuild.sln in VS 2017/2015.

Change the link settings of _hashlib and _ssl projects under Python as shown below:

Change compile settings _hashlib and _ssl projects as shown below:

Step 12 Now, build _hashlib.pyd and _ssl.pyd in VS 2017/2015.

Step 13 Copy these built pyd files to a Python binary installation directory c:\python38\DLLs folder.

Copy to c:\python38\Lib folder.

Copy OpenSSL DLLs (libeay32.dll and ssleay32.DLL) to the c:\python38\DLLs folder.

Step 14 Start Python and use these commands to check the OpenSSL/FIPS version. Python 3.8 has OpenSSL with FIPS.


In this blog, I have covered the following steps in regards to enabling Python 3 with FIPS.

  • Download the required packages.
  • Compile both OpenSSL and FIPS and link them both.
  • Make the required changes to Python source before linking to the new OpenSSL and compile.
  • Copy the newly generated binaries to the installed Python location.
  • Test the version and check if FIPS is enabled.

I hope this blog is useful to the entire developer community!! Make sure you check out other blog posts on HPE DEV for more useful tutorials.


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