The Container Storage Interface (CSI) introduces enterprise data management, such as volume snapshots and volume clones as native Kubernetes objects. In Kubernetes 1.17, these interfaces have matured to a beta state. Recently, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) released version 1.1.0 of the HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes with full support for these features. Let’s walk through how a Kubernetes user can take advantage of these constructs to become more agile by deploying, testing and running stateful applications on Kubernetes.
Deploy the CSI driver with Helm
In this tutorial, upstream Kubernetes 1.17.4 is being used along with Helm 3. Let’s add in the HPE storage container orchestrator deployments Helm repository.
helm repo add hpe-storage "hpe-storage" has been added to your repositories
Before installing the Helm chart, a values file needs to be created to instruct the driver on how to find and authenticate to the backend storage system. For this exercise, the StorageClass
that will be installed is also marked as the default StorageClass
# Contents of a file named values.yaml secret: backend: username: admin password: admin storageClass: defaultClass: true
Install the CSI driver into the "kube-system" namespace.
helm install hpe-csi-driver hpe-storage/hpe-csi-driver --version 1.1.0 --namespace kube-system -f values.yaml NAME: hpe-csi-driver LAST DEPLOYED: Tue Mar 17 09:21:12 2020 NAMESPACE: kube-system STATUS: deployed REVISION: 1 TEST SUITE: None
The required components should come online fairly quickly. The following kubectl
command may be used to monitor the driver workloads.
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -l 'app in (nimble-csp, hpe-csi-node, hpe-csi-controller)' NAMESPACE NAME READY STATUS RESTARTS AGE kube-system hpe-csi-controller-7d9cd6b855-zzmd9 5/5 Running 0 15s kube-system hpe-csi-node-dk5t4 2/2 Running 0 15s kube-system hpe-csi-node-pwq2d 2/2 Running 0 15s kube-system nimble-csp-546c9c4dd4-5lsdt 1/1 Running 0 15s
As described above, a default StorageClass
is also deployed on the cluster.
kubectl get storageclass NAME PROVISIONER RECLAIMPOLICY VOLUMEBINDINGMODE ALLOWVOLUMEEXPANSION AGE hpe-standard (default) Delete Immediate true 20s
Kubernetes distribution specific details
As per the Kubernetes Special Interest Group (SIG) Storage, the snapshot controllers, custom resource definitions and RBAC resources should be deployed on the cluster by the vendor of the Kubernetes distribution, not the CSI driver vendor. These resources are not deployed on upstream Kubernetes 1.17.4, which is being used in this tutorial. Now, let’s deploy the necessary resources.
kubectl create -f kubectl create -f kubectl create -f kubectl create -f kubectl create -f
Note: The resources will be deployed in the "default" namespace.
For each CSI driver that supports snapshots, at least one VolumeSnapshotClass
object needs to be created. There’s only one backend that supports snapshots on this cluster and the VolumeSnapshotClass
is therefore marked as default, which makes it easy for users to not care about implementation details.
apiVersion: kind: VolumeSnapshotClass metadata: name: hpe-snapshot annotations: "true" driver: deletionPolicy: Delete parameters: description: "Snapshot created by the HPE CSI Driver" nimble-secret kube-system
Note: All YAML presented in this blog post should be created with kubectl create -f- <hit ENTER, then paste the content and hit CTRL-D on a new line>
unless otherwise specified.
Get started!
The next set of tasks are completely agnostic to which particular storage vendor CSI driver being used. This is the ideal behavior for users interacting with Kubernetes so as to not worry about implementation details.
For this tutorial, a dual replica Redis deployment is being used as an example application. The default is three replicas, but the cluster only has two worker nodes and affinity rules can’t be fulfilled for the Redis chart with three replicas.
Ensure the upstream Helm stable repo is accessible.
helm repo add stable "stable" has been added to your repositories helm repo update Hang tight while we grab the latest from your chart repositories... ...Successfully got an update from the "stable" chart repository ...Successfully got an update from the "hpe-storage" chart repository Update Complete. ⎈ Happy Helming!⎈
In subsequent examples, some output has been truncated to enhance readability. Now, let’s install Redis and insert some data.
helm install prod stable/redis-ha --version 4.4.1 --set-string replicas=2 kubectl exec -it prod-redis-ha-server-0 sh -n default Defaulting container name to redis. /data $ redis-cli set hpedev testing OK /data $ exit
There’s a key in the Redis database named "hpedev" with the value "testing". Imagine this as state of the application that needs to be preserved. Now, let’s create a snapshot of the Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) that the Redis application requested.
--- apiVersion: kind: VolumeSnapshot metadata: name: snapshot-0 spec: source: persistentVolumeClaimName: data-prod-redis-ha-server-0 --- apiVersion: kind: VolumeSnapshot metadata: name: snapshot-1 spec: source: persistentVolumeClaimName: data-prod-redis-ha-server-1
If everything went well, the snapshots may be enumerated.
kubectl get volumesnapshots NAME READYTOUSE SOURCEPVC SOURCESNAPSHOTCONTENT RESTORESIZE SNAPSHOTCLASS SNAPSHOTCONTENT CREATIONTIME AGE snapshot-0 true data-prod-redis-ha-server-0 10Gi hpe-snapshot snapcontent-abc0c69c-a22e-499e-8353-b6a6611cd283 16s 17s snapshot-1 true data-prod-redis-ha-server-1 10Gi hpe-snapshot snapcontent-b7f81e8c-661d-42df-b452-13cdab878505 16s 17s
We now have the opportunity to instantiate another Redis instance using these snapshots as the source for a new deployment. The key here is that the PVCs need to be created before we bring the new deployment online. Since naming is deterministic for Helm charts, this is quite simple. Create the following PVCs.
--- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: data-test-redis-ha-server-0 spec: dataSource: name: snapshot-0 kind: VolumeSnapshot apiGroup: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 10Gi --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: data-test-redis-ha-server-1 spec: dataSource: name: snapshot-1 kind: VolumeSnapshot apiGroup: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 10Gi
Next, bring up a "test" deployment and read the key we inserted prior and insert another key we want to use for a subsequent test.
helm install test stable/redis-ha --version 4.4.1 --set-string replicas=2 kubectl exec -it test-redis-ha-server-0 sh -n default Defaulting container name to redis. /data $ redis-cli get hpedev “testing" /data $ redis-cli set upgrade anothertest OK /data $ exit
It’s now possible to transform the data of the "test" deployment without disturbing the data of the "prod" deployment. This opens up the possibility to create advanced testing and development workflows that uses an exact representation of production data. Whether this dataset is a few bytes or a handful of terabytes, the operation will only take a few seconds to execute as the snapshots and clones are not making any copies of the source data.
The "upgrade" key inserted above will now be used in the next workflow. Clone directly from an existing PVC without creating a snapshot. Let’s now create a set of new PVCs.
--- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: data-clone-redis-ha-server-0 spec: dataSource: name: data-test-redis-ha-server-0 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 10Gi --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: data-clone-redis-ha-server-1 spec: dataSource: name: data-test-redis-ha-server-1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 10Gi
Create a new "clone" Redis instance and retrieve the key from the previous workflow.
helm install clone stable/redis-ha --version 4.4.1 --set-string replicas=2 $ kubectl exec -it clone-redis-ha-server-0 sh -n default Defaulting container name to redis. /data $ redis-cli get upgrade "anothertest" /data $ exit
Not only does this demonstrate the ability to clone directly from a PVC as declared in the dataSource
, but it also demonstrates the ability to perform a cloning operation on an already existing clone. It’s also possible to create forks of the Redis database to create even more sophisticated workflows. A practical example would be to create a snapshot of a production instance, clone from that instance, obfuscate some data for the end user (could be a potentially IO intensive operation when working with terabyte datasets) and then use the obfuscated clone as a source for subsequent workflows presented to end-users. The idea is to obfuscate the data once and stamp out many new permutations quickly from that one source.
Volume expansion
One of the most common “Day 2” operations in storage and data management is to expand volume capacity. This feature has been in beta since Kubernetes 1.16 and is now available in the HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes as a supported feature. In true Kubernetes simplistic fashion the end-user that created the PVC may simply increase the capacity of the PVC specification and the CSI resizer will pick it up and perform all the necessary operations. These operations include increasing the backend storage system volume size, rescanning the multipath device on the host and finally growing the filesystem. This used to be a tedious operation that required a storage admin and Kubernetes admin to satisfy a user requirement, which is very counter-productive.
Let’s expand the storage requests for the Redis production instance (this can be done with kubectl edit
or kubectl patch
as well). Run kubectl apply
with the following specification.
--- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: data-prod-redis-ha-server-0 spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 32Gi --- apiVersion: v1 kind: PersistentVolumeClaim metadata: name: data-prod-redis-ha-server-1 spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 32Gi
The original size of the PVC was 10Gi. In a few moments, the new size should be been picked up by the Pod
running Redis.
kubectl exec -it prod-redis-ha-server-0 sh -n default Defaulting container name to redis. /data $ df -h . Filesystem Size Used Available Use% Mounted on /dev/mapper/mpathi 32.0G 32.7M 32.0G 0% /data
Next steps
Stay tuned to HPE DEV for future blogs regarding the HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes. In the meantime, connect with us on Slack. We hang out in #kubernetes and #nimblestorage
If you want to learn more about Kubernetes, CSI and the integration with HPE storage products, here are a few pointers that would get you started.
- Learn about Kubernetes on
- Explore the Container Storage Interface
- Check out the HPE Container Platform
- GitHub repository for the HPE CSI Driver for Kubernetes
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