Getting backups
This example uses curl
to retrieve a list of all the backups in the federation along with details about each backup.
curl -H "Accept: application/vnd.simplivity.v1+json" -H "Authorization:
Bearer [*access_token*]" -X GET -k -i https://[*host*]/api/backups
) enables curl to add request headers.The
"Accept: application/vnd.simplivity.v1+json"
header indicates that the response should use version 1 of the HPE OmniStack JSON extension.access_token is the complete access token, for example,
f93f2059- afef-4310-9147-447645992a5d
indicates an HTTP GET operation.-k
allows the use of self-signed SSL/TLS is the IP address of the Virtual Controller that you want to authenticate.
The GET request returns a JSON response similar to the following example:
"offset": 0,
"limit": 500,
"count": 21,
"backups": [
"id": "f6d5980c-478c-4292-aabf-67da627dbc57",
"name": "vm32_A_6-backup-2016-03-13T21:03:46-04:00",
"sent": 0,
"state": "PROTECTED",
"type": "MANUAL",
"omnistack_cluster_id": "0bf3988b-b684-4002-a04d-55bb8831b8c4",
"omnistack_cluster_name": "Boston -:- OmniCube CN-2000 5.5.0",
"datastore_id": "c1d172e2-bd89-4bad-ae2a-848e7fbe3dc4",
"datastore_name": "ds2",
"expiration_time": "NA",
"virtual_machine_id": "729861fd-a006-4849-bf08-b232551989c0",
"virtual_machine_name": "vm32_A_6",
"size": 12574720,
"application_consistent": false,
"created_at": "2016-03-14T01:03:46Z"
In the response, the count value indicates that there are a total of 21 backup objects (that is, resources). The response returns these backups in a JSON array of objects. The offset and limit values indicate that the response array starts at the backup with an offset of 0 and includes backups up to the maximum limit of 500 objects. These values for the offset and limit are the default values.